Dfw precipitation totals
Dfw precipitation totals

Through May 21, this year, with 5.63 inches of precipitation, ranks as the city's fourth driest year. Drought in Illinois from 2000-Present The U.S. The number of days with precipitation counts the days when rainfall or snowfall (when melted) amounted to 0.01 inches (0.3 millimeters) or more. 14, according to Trent Ford, Illinois state climatologist. Year-to-date, Chicago has received 20.15 inches of rain - the 17th driest on record through Sept. Precipitation Summary Station: 111549 CHICAGO O'HARE AIRPORT, IL. Chicago weather averages and climate Chicago, Illinois. Monthly averages Chicago Longitude: -87.6298, Latitude: 41.8781 Average weather Chicago, IL - 60679. A climate chart for your city, indicating the monthly high temperatures and rainfall. Rainfall totals are given for the past 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days up to the current date, as well as the total for the current month, year, and previous year. June Rainfall Chicago, Chicago-O'Hare International Airport (0 miles) 2022 May June.

dfw precipitation totals

The hottest month of the year in Chicago is July, with an average high of 82☏ and low of 70☏. hawaiian airlines 717 replacement what eats maple seeds airbnb chicago for parties synonyms of weather forecast dacquoise recipe julia child italian nose shape famous news anchors 1980s. Monthly Precipitation Summary Water Year 2022 (to Sep 30, 2022) Updated: Tue at 03:00:02 AM. Midlothian Dear Chris, Chicago weather historian Frank Wachowski scoured the climate books and found that Chicago has logged a monthly precipitation total of 10 or more inches eight times since 1871, spanning five different months.

Dfw precipitation totals